David's Israel Adventure

This blog will chronicle the adventures of me, David Weinfeld, as an Otzma fellow in Israel, from August 21st, 2005 to May 29th, 2006. I hope this is as exciting for you as it is for me (though that would be a tad bizarre, now wouldn't it?).

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Schwarma 31* and now the Souvlaki count

Had my 31st* schwarma at Ben Gurion airport, then flew to Greece. I'm in Athens now. We explored a bit last night and had Mythos, a Greek beer which was below average, and my first Souvlaki. It was pork, delicious, at 2.30 (Euro) a decent price. We also walked around the Acropolis (but could not enter the grounds) and saw some impressive views.

Brian, Brent and I are staying at Hostel Zeus on Sofokleus street, a short walk from the Acropolis. The man at the desk is a Liverpoolian named Dean who seems kind of lost. But a nice guy. Today, we visited the Acropolis and all the ruins. There was not a lot of "Prince of Persian" architecture but it was still amazing. Really old stuff, incredilbe friezes, unbelievable temples. We walked in the Ancient Agora where Socrates (So-Craytes according to Bill and Ted) probably pestered people with annoying questions until they executed him. We also had the most incredible Souvlaki for lunch. Souvlaki Sabbas (or Savvas). It was recommended in Let's Go. The man had our souvlakis ready in about 4 seconds, lightnig service unrivalled anywhere except Wilensky's. And the Souvlakis were incredible, better than last night, and each 1.5 Euros. I had two, one pork and one chicken. I used to say Schwarma was poor man's souvlaki, but I'm not sure anymore. So now my souvlaki count is at 3. How many can I have in Greece? I'm gunning for 10, though I think 7 would be respectable.

It's unlikely that I'll have tonight though, as we're trying to find the Chabad House. I'll try to let you know how that goes. Tomorrow, to the National Archaelogical Museum and then off to Delphi.


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