David's Israel Adventure

This blog will chronicle the adventures of me, David Weinfeld, as an Otzma fellow in Israel, from August 21st, 2005 to May 29th, 2006. I hope this is as exciting for you as it is for me (though that would be a tad bizarre, now wouldn't it?).

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And It's a Blistering Pace Now, Folks

2 more schwarma for 29*. One was a McSchwarma, which I ate at the local McDonalds, in the mall on the end of Ben Gurion street. The other, bizarrely, was at the food court in the Haifa mall, at a place also called Schwarma Hazan. It had the same logo, so I wonder if Schwarma Hazan is some kind of a chain. That kind of takes away from the majesty a bit (of course, the McSchwarma comes from a chain, but that's a different story). It was weird, because the original Schwarma Hazan that is right near us also had more of a real restaurant feel, multiple floors, tables and chairs, not just a little stand. And I admired the fact that they essentially serve only one thing, Schwarma. But it is weird to see Schwarma Hazan in the food court of a mall. Then again, Schwarma Plus in Place Alexis Nihon in Montreal is superb. Also, the food court in the Haifa Mall has TWO McDONALDS. Well, one is in the food court and is open only for lunch, and the other is about 100 meters away and a full restaurant. Still, this is also a bit weird.


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